Zhenfeng Zhu, Jian Cheng, Yao Zhao, Jieping Ye. LSSLP-Local Structure Sensitive Label Propagation. Information Sciences, Vol.332, pp.19-32, 2016.
Peisong Wang, Qiang Song, Hua Han, Jian Cheng. Sequentially Supervised Long Short-Term Memory for Gesture Recognition. Cognitive Computation 2016
Peisong Wang, Jian Cheng. Accelerating Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Applications. ACM MM 2016.
Zeyu Qiu, Deqiang Kong, Zhenfeng Zhu, Hanqing Lu, Jian Cheng. Heterogenous Graph Mining for Measuring the Impact of Research Institutions. KDD 2016 KDD Cup workshop. (Ranked the 1st place on phase 2)
Chenghua Li, Qi Kang, Guojing Ge, Qiang Song, Hanqing Lu, Jian Cheng. DeepBE: Learning Deep Binary Encoding for Multi-Label Classification. CVPR 2016 workshop. (Ranked the 2nd places on track 2 and track 3 of ChaLearn 2016)
Chenghua Li, Qiang Song, Yuhang Wang, Hang Song, Qi Kang, Jian Cheng, Hanqing Lu. Learning to Recognition from Bing Clickture Data. ICME 2016 workshop. (Successfully defended the 1st place on MSR Image Recognition Challenge)
Jiaxiang Wu, Cong Leng, Yuhang Wang, Qinghao Hu, Jian Cheng. Quantized Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Devices. CVPR 2016. [code]
Jiaxiang Wu, Qinghao Hu, Cong Leng, Jian Cheng. Shoot to Know What: An Application of Deep Networks on Mobile Devices. AAAI 2016 (Demo track).
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